Binara Full Moon Poya Day Programme from 4.30 till 6PM

Special Atavisi (28) Sam Buddha Pooja Blessings Ceremony

Binara (September) Full Moon Day marks the second month completion of the sacred vassana rains retreat season. Historically it commemorates the sacred day that the Buddhist Nun's Order (Bhikkhuni Sasana) was established. We observe this holy day with a special Atavisi Sam Buddha Pooja Blessings Programme on Saturday 17th September 2022 at 4.30PM. You can sponsor one of the 28 Sam Buddha Pooja by taking a Atapirikara or Sivuru (Robes). If you would like to take part, please contact the centre.

Binara Full Moon Poya Day

Special Atavisi (28) Sambuddha Pooja

Saturday 17th September 2022 From 4.30PM till 6PM


Binara (September) Full Moon Poya Day commemorates the establishment of the Bhikkhuni Sasanaya (Female Buddhist Monastic Order). The very first bhikkuni ordained was the foster mother of Buddha, Mahapajapathi Gothami.

The Vas season (Rainy-retreat) continues during the month of Binara and marks the second month completion. Venerable Monks and Nuns (the bhikku & bhikkhuni) remain in their monasteries, engaged in meditation.

To mark these significances and make us to gain the benefits of these merits, we organize a very special Atavisi (28) Sambuddha Pooja Blessings Programme on Saturday 17th September 2022 at 4.30PM till 6PM.

You can sponsor one of the 28 Buddha Pooja by taking an offering of Atapirikara (Offering Eight Requisites) or Sivuru (Offering Robes). If you would like to take part into this blessings programmes by sponsoring one of the 28 Sambuddha Pooja, please contact the centre and fill the form below.


You don’t have to take a sponsorship to attend this blissful occasion. If you wish to participate, following is a suggested amount of pooja contributions for you to get an understanding. You can contribute and participate as you wish as it is a blessings programme.


  • Atapirikara (Offering Eight Requisites) Pooja = £50/=
  • Sivuru Pooja (Offering Robes) = £25/=

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